The Drive Up

I leisurely drove up along the north shore of Lake Superior. I stopped at most of the state parks along the way.

Hiking Day 1

Kathryn, Will, Aalto, and I started hiking from the Pincushion Mountain Trailhead. Will turned around after the scenic overlook. Kathryn and Aalto hiked until Lindskog Road. I hiked to the Durfee Creek campsite and settled in for the night.
Total of about 8 miles hiked.

Hiking Day 2

It rained for most of the night, but I stayed dry in my tent. The hike was slow because of the wet trail full of roots and rocks. I hiked to the end of the Lake Walk and decided that was enough hiking for the day. Kathryn picked me up there and I slept in my tent at her place.
Total of about 9 miles hiked.

Hiking Day 3

The last day of hiking involved hiking from Judge Magney State Park to the pickup spot from the previous day (reverse direction from what was planned). This included a road walk back to my car.
Total of about 7 miles hiked.